Shiseido Moisturizing

I’ve been meaning to try these Shiseido  Skincare Moisturizing samples but kept forgetting. Today I finally tried them out.

The Extra Gentle Cleansing Foam had a lovely scent and was really gentle. It was smooth and creamy, although a bit on the liquidy side.

The Hydro-Nourishing Softener Lotion was like a watery gel, and was surprisingly light and non-greasy.

I expected the Night Moisture Recharge to be similar to the lotion but instead it was actually more like the cleansing foam in texture, and was absorbed fairly quickly by my skin.

The Shiseido Moisturizing products all worked well on my sensitive combination skin. I`m sure buying some when I go shopping again!

Sea Salt

Today I went to the dollar store and was surprised to find sea salt! It usually costs me more, so being able to buy it at a buck ($1.00) was a real bargain. 

Sea salt is obtained from the evaporation of sea or ocean water.

I use it for cooking and bathing. In cooking, sea salt gives food a better taste and texture than ordinary table salt. The taste is more ‘pure’ and ‘clean’, and is not quite as ‘salty’. In bathing, it serves as a relaxing and non-invasive body cleanse, and keeps my skin moisturized.

Since I use sea salt a lot, I’ll definitely go back to the dollar store for more. 🙂

Evil Eye

These evil eye trinkets, with the symbol of an eye etched on them, caught my attention as I was walking around the market. 

As tales have it, these items are said to have the power to counteract the evil eye, which is known to be the malevolent look of envy or dislike that is believed to be able to cause harm to the person at whom it is directed. Just as the eye is the object from which danger originates, it is also the protection to ward danger off and bring you luck…..such a brilliant concept!

Although the trinkets in the market were a bit tacky, I’ve seen some celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Shakira, and Naomi Campbell wear them as accessories, and boy, were they lovely! At that time, I didn’t know they were called evil eye though…lol

But whatever the purpose, I think evil eye items are here to stay. They’re unique, they’re intriguing, and they’re fashionable too!

Italy Towel

Nope, it’s not made in Italy! haha

Italy towel is the Korean version of the loofah/sponge used to scrub down the body. It is a piece of synthetic cloth made of viscose and comes in different colors: pink, yellow, red, blue, and green. Its one side is rougher than the other; which side to use is a matter of personal preference.

The Italy towel was invented in the 1960s by Kim Pil-Goon, who  ‘discovered’ the fabric’s exfoliating properties. Since the said fabric was imported from Italy, and to make it sound luxurious, it was named Italy towel.

Although more abrasive than the regular loofah, I think it works very well in removing dirt and dead skin cells. According to my Korean friend, it also doubles as a massage, and helps promote blood circulation and metabolism.

I love Italy towel. For the uninitiated, it may take a little getting used to, but it certainly does a good job of keeping the skin clean, smooth, and healthy-looking!

Biore Detoxify Scrub

I received a sample of Biore Detoxify Daily Scrub in the mail and decided to try it out.

It was a cream with tiny purple exfoliating beads. Interesting color!

The scrub had a thick and creamy texture but contrary to my expectation, it lathered just a little. No problem.

However, it had an odd and unpleasant scent. Big problem!

Thankfully its beads were gentle enough so as to leave my sensitive and combination skin feeling clean and fresh without causing any ‘side effects’. Yay!

I don’t think I’ll be using this scrub again though. It’s not for me.