Washing Soda

I used to believe that detergent was enough in washing clothes. But I had a hard time with tough stains, ground-in dirt, and odors on clothing……Then I remembered how some people raved about baking soda as a laundry additive…..swearing that it makes whites whiter, brights brighter, and neutralizes acids and odors. I wanted to give it a shot but at the same time was hesitant because of the possible damage it could do to my washing machine. Good thing I happened to see washing soda as I was buying detergent. Thinking it might be the better alternative, I decided to go for it instead.

The verdict? So Clean is so good! My clothing feels cleaner and fresher. Plus I love how it’s free of fragrance, phosphate, nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA, which although is effective as a chelating agent, is toxic, cancer-causing and environmentally-unsafe), and bleach.