NeilMed Neti Pot

A shower for your nose! That’s what Neti Pot is. It is a mini plastic tea pot that somehow reminds me of Aladdin’s lamp. hehe. The instructions are simple. You fill the pot with water, pour the Sinus Rinse mixture packet (it came with the pot), shake, and shoot (apply the tip of the device against your nasal passage)!

Gross? Weird? Awkward? That’s how I felt at first, but I tried it anyway. And it works!

It rinses the nasal passages, cleanses the sinuses, and washes away all the nasty stuff clogged in the nose. It’s not a pretty sight. It can be a little messy and uncomfortable. It takes a little getting used to, but it gets the job done.

I love how I feel after —– I breathe better and have a clearer head. Priceless!