Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie

It’s been soo hot the past couple of days so I’ve been on an ice cream binge!

One of my favorites is Ben and Jerry’s. It’s pricey, but it’s also creamier and tastier than other brands. The mix-ins are bigger and more flavorful too.

Chocolate Fudge Brownie is what I usually buy. It’s chocolate ice cream with fudge brownies. Duh! ๐Ÿ˜›

As the name implies, it’s intensely chocolatey! As soon as I pop open a tub, a chocolate aroma would fill the air!

The ice cream melts slowly so I often leave it out for a few minutes to defrost a bit. This way it’s easier to dig in, and the fudge brownies are of the perfect consistency.

When the brownies are hard, they’re difficult to bite into. But when they soften up, they kinda melt in the mouth and compliments the ice cream really well!

The milk chocolate ice cream is rich and thick. It’s also smooth and soft. No ice crystals, no dry flakiness.

But for me, the real star are the chunks of brownie. They’re the ones that give the ice cream more flavor and texture.ย They’re delicious, they’re moist, and they’re gooey.

Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownies = awesomeness!!!

Ben & Jerry’s Half-Baked

It was hot hot day so I thought of cooling down with a Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked Bar, and what a sinful treat it was!

The cover looked good and the description was mouth-watering —– cookie dough ice cream bar on a brownie with a thick drizzle of milk chocolate coating! Who could resist?!?

Well, actually, I wasn’t sure of the cookie dough part since I have never tried it before, but the brownie and milk chocolate sounded divine.

Upon tearing the inner plastic wrap, a deliciously wicked chocolatey scent wafted through the air. I quickly bit into the bar, and was greeted by a fascinating taste sensation!

The rich milk chocolate coating complemented the creamy vanilla ice cream beautifully. The cookie dough was smooth and sweet, and the brownie was chocolatey and chewy. There were lots of texture and of course, lots of sweetness!

Half Baked was an extremely luxurious bar. It had a very rich flavor on the one hand, but it can also be a bit overwhelming on the other. I loved the brownie, but not so much the cookie dough. Would I buy it again? Hmm…..half-and-half. ๐Ÿ˜›