Lindt Excellence 85% Cacao

85% is the highest cacao content in a chocolate I’ve had so far, and it was pure intensity!

Wrapped in foil inside a predominantly black and white paper packaging, Lindt Excellence 85% Cacao exudes a strong scent of lush dark chocolate sans any sweetness when unwrapped.

As expected, it had a deep earthy taste. There was some bitterness to it but it was minimal. In fact (and I never thought I’d say this), the full-bodied cacao flavor of the chocolate was actually pleasing to the palate!

Compared to the creamier varieties, it had a drier texture and didn’t really melt as easily; yet despite that, the smoothness was still there.

This bar is surely one of the best dark chocolates out there!

Lindt Excellence Orange Intense

Lindt Excellence Orange Intense is unparalleled proof that chocolate and orange go extremely well together.

As soon as I unwrapped the bar, a zesty aroma and a delicate chocolate scent filled the air, and ten blocks of brown hued chocolate with slivers of almond and tiny orange bits stared right back at me.

I bit into it and the chocolate was absolutely divine —– creamy, smooth, velvety. The bitter dark chocolate complemented the tart orange pieces, while the orange flavor gave the chocolate that extra zing and somewhat cancelled out its bitterness. The almonds; however, took a back seat and was barely noticeable.

Lindt Excellence Orange Intense certainly lives up to its name. Its taste and texture are excellent, and its orange flavor intense.

Lindt Intense Pear


Such an unusual combination! That’s what I thought when I spotted Lindt Intense Pear bar.

Should I try it? Maybe not? Should I? I hesitated for a second, but then gave in after finding myself thinking that it is Lindt, and anything from Lindt must be good.

And it was, although not as excellent as I expected it to be. There was the dark chocolate scent but no pear scent. As I bit into the bar, the pear taste was quite subtle, which made me wonder where the ‘intense pear’ went. The contrast of the dark chocolate and pear though was refreshing, and the almond slivers provided that extra crunch.

Lindt Intense Pear bar is certainly something different. But surprisingly, dark chocolate and pear blend well, and taste delicately pleasant.