Nestle Turtles

It was a chocoholic friend who introduced me to the iconic Nestle Turtles. It was her absolute favorite, ergo, I had to try it too! haha

She gave me a large tin box containing 24 unwrapped candies as a present last Christmas. Yep, last Christmas! (It was one of the last surviving chocolates that I got!) Interesting how one can find Turtles packaged in tin boxes during the Christmas season, and none after that…

‘Why are they called Turtles,’ I asked my friend. She looked at me incredulously and replied,’Look at them! Don’t they resemble turtles?’

Uh, not really! I could barely make out the head, legs and tail. At first glance they looked more like irregular-shaped discs to me. 

Appearance aside, the candy had a sweet milky smell, and tasted that way too. The milk chocolate coating was the first thing I tasted, and it was pretty much standard Nestle milk chocolate quality.

Next flavor that came was that of the generous gooey caramel that had been imbedded with the pecans. It had a nice mapley taste, which thankfully wasn’t overly sweet.

I loved the pecans! They tasted ‘fresh’ and added crunch to the chocolate. Wish more pieces of them had been added though, to match the thickness of the caramel.

Overall, Turtles are a pretty good confectionery and are oddly addictive! There’s room for improvement,  but at the same time, they’re worth a try.